Rule 1.1.1 -- Positive Contribution Rule
Before clicking on the “Submit” button, you must ensure that your post makes a positive contribution to the Canadian Delica community. What constitutes a “positive” contribution? Here are some guidelines…
- Write your post in a manner that is respectful of other members. Your post may disagree with details contained in the posts by other members. However, when responding to a post that you disagree with, always clearly specify which points you disagree with, and always supply your reason for disagreeing. Correct any inaccuracies, but do so in a respectful manner that shows that you understand that the inaccuracies were posted in good faith.
When the subject of a thread centers on a dispute between forum members, posts should only be made by persons with first-hand knowledge of the incident or situation. Please note that if you happen to be a motor vehicle dealer, weighing in on a dispute between a competitor and their clients will not be tolerated.
"For Sale" posting (for vehicles and parts) should not be posted in forum threads, but should be posted in Delica Trader instead. Please note that general business advertising messages in forum threads (e.g., "No-HST Blowout Event This Weekend", "Come To Us For the Best Service In Town", etc) do not meet the "positive contribution" test, and will be removed.