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Any Haida Gwaii fisher/hunters out there?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:02 pm
by thelazygreenfox
Guys and Gals
I'm heading for Haida Gwaii on the 13th for some steelhead,cutthroat fishn and bow hunting. My last fishn trip to the HG was many years ago so any new info would be appreciated. A fishn partner would be nice too!

Any delica owners living on these islands?

Hard to believe but it hasn't rained much there in a while and their rivers are low. That info was from a fisher so..... "All fishermen are liars except for you and I and sometimes I'm not sure about you."

I'm taking all my fly rods, pontoon boat, camping and archery gear and hope to be there for 2 weeks so "look our fish, here we come." Anyone want to come along? :-D :-D


Re: Any Haida Gwaii fisher/hunters out there?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:29 pm
by glenn
Haida Gwaii is a magic place. Cindy and I cycle-toured there before kids. While camping on the beach, I just walked out into the water and literally picked a crab out of the water. It was a nice treat after eating mostly dehydrated foods for over a week.
We also met a couple who took their inflatable out into the ocean and came back with a beautiful red snapper that they shared with us. Will you be doing any salt-water fishing?

Re: Any Haida Gwaii fisher/hunters out there?

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:02 am
by bosc
I'm off island at the moment, but my house and life are in Tow Hill.
Only a couple of Delicas on the Island, and none others on here as far as I know. It's definitely been a very nice dry winter. I'm more of a deer hunter myself, so hard to speak on the fishing. Always lots of deer to hunt, although I find bow hunting turns in to a lot of work this late in the year.

My parts Van is there, so let me know if you find that you are in need of something.

Have fun!

Re: Any Haida Gwaii fisher/hunters out there?

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:05 am
by bosc
bosc wrote:
My parts Van is there, so let me know if you find that you are in need of something!
I see now you have an L400... Well if you need a driveway to work on in the north end let me know.

Re: Any Haida Gwaii fisher/hunters out there?

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:14 pm
by thelazygreenfox
I'm off island at the moment, but my house and life are in Tow Hill.
Where's Tow Hill? Hopefully I have no problems while on the islands but thanks for the offer. Hopefully we can meet up another time. :-D

You're right bow hunting is a chore, any time. There's been no snow so they're harder to find and to track. I'm still waiting for my first bow deer. Wish me luck.

Haida Gwaii is a magic place. Cindy and I cycle-toured there before kids.
That must've been a fabulous bike ride, I'm envious. Sounds like a great adventure, what made you think of cycling the Haida Gwaii?
Yes I'll be salt water fishn but just from shore for cutthroat trout.

thanks for the reply.

Re: Any Haida Gwaii fisher/hunters out there?

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:47 am
by bosc
Tow Hill is near Masset, on the North end of the Island.

Good luck with the bow,