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CADA Seeking federal ban on RHD imports in Canada!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:22 am
by omanda

Re: CADA Seeking federal ban on RHD imports in Canada!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:14 pm
by FalcoColumbarius
We should seek a federal ban of the CADA. Canada a dumping ground for unsafe vehicles?? So let me get this straight ~ They claim the vehicles to be unsafe. So to cure this situation they want to make sure that we don't get them 'til they're ten years older, hmmm. Their logic is out of tune. In the meantime they want us driving used voyagers?


Re: CADA Seeking federal ban on RHD imports in Canada!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:18 pm
by kb&2dogs
blah, blah, blah....ssdd

Re: CADA Seeking federal ban on RHD imports in Canada!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:31 pm
by FredVenne
Here is my reply on one of the comment made...

A Thinking Men wrote: "While the RHD vs LHD is an issue it is only a tiny part of the issue that the driver is sitting on the wrong side (which does affect other driver's ability to see you and make eye contact etc), the bigger part of the issue is that most of you just don't understand how complex the design and engineering of a modern vehicle is and just how much some of these issues affect safety"


Come on... really? When you also talk about the dealers, it does affect the dealers / manufacturers like GMC, Ford etc. Smaller independent dealers will sale these vehicles yes, but not the big ones, which are represented by CADA.
So the real point here is CADA, they see these vehicles being sold here, therefore losing money. They are not more piece of junk then any other 15 year old Ford that are still running on our roads.
So CADA lose money over these vehicles and they want the government to creat a law that will prevent these vehicles to enter our country, playing with numbers on their data sheet showing us a falls picture of the reality.
Now, A thinking Man, (I don't know where you guys get all of these names... your mother gave you a name so use it and stop hiding behing a pseudonym), when you say that it affect your ability to make eye contact with the driver... really, you make eye contact with drivers coming from the opposite direction?

This is all about money, politics and lobbying, end of conversation.

Read more: ... z12w9ejncP

Re: CADA Seeking federal ban on RHD imports in Canada!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:55 pm
by Dingus
The article is misleading and biased as well. Quoting the 2007 ICBC study? Aren't real journalists supposed to fact check? I suggest a letter writing campaign, drive-in protests and so on. The masses unfortunately believe most of this tripe, time to educate!

Re: CADA Seeking federal ban on RHD imports in Canada!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:05 pm
by elbosque
IVOAC has been waiting for this media opportunity to release the study. Thank you CADA for facilitating the media blitz. :-) We knew it would happen.

What we need now is for people to use the study to hit back with articles and letters to your media and to your elected reps: MLAs and MPs.

Re: CADA Seeking federal ban on RHD imports in Canada!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:41 pm
by mararmeisto
Well, they've got tenacity. They're wrong, but they're tenacious.

Looks like I have to get out my keyboard again.

BTW - here are a couple of email addresses (please be sure to contact them):

Re: CADA Seeking federal ban on RHD imports in Canada!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 5:56 pm
by FalcoColumbarius
Apart from writing our MP, &c., What are we going to do when they bring in their lawyers? Do we have anything beyond a potential media campaign? How organised are we?


Re: CADA Seeking federal ban on RHD imports in Canada!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:44 pm
by FredVenne
This drives me crazy, there is more comments made about the "Zombocalypse" then this matter...

Re: CADA Seeking federal ban on RHD imports in Canada!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:29 pm
by FredVenne
Here is my second comment on the CBC website

liarlieberalli wrote: "Nobody drives a rhd car because they prefer rhd. Stop pretending"

We are not pretending, it's a fact that some of these vehicles are cheaper and that is why we buy them! They are not safer nor dangerous then any other car sold in this country. Once more, it's only a matter of CADA loosing revenues on the long run because there are more and more coming in. I would love to be able to buy a little diesel 4X4, but their is nothing comparable on the market right now. If you are happy to live in a nanny state and have somebody else to take responsability for anything that may happened in your life, fine. I want to live in a free country and make my own decisions. There are much more issues to take care of in this world then this little one...

Any of you that have never driven a RHD, you should restrain yourself from being negative on this issue and go out, find someone that have one and try it!

Read more: ... z12xbg1w2X

Re: CADA Seeking federal ban on RHD imports in Canada!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:45 pm
by M3ti Compact
Speak up!

at the bottom of this link ... c4193.html

there is an e-mail and phone to the CADA public affairs representative
Emily Reid

CADA Public Affairs
Phone: 613-230-2079

Re: CADA Seeking federal ban on RHD imports in Canada!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:24 pm
by elbosque
FalcoColumbarius wrote:Apart from writing our MP, &c., What are we going to do when they bring in their lawyers? Do we have anything beyond a potential media campaign? How organised are we?

To answer your question, we are loosely organized. We are a movement and that is our strength. We come together in small groups and large internet foras with people from many different walks of life and contacts. Social media is a much strong force than a few lawyers or PR professionals can battle. What can their lawyer do against us? Nothing.

We also have a professional report done by well respected researchers that puts in question the validity of the ICBC study and the conclusions drawn from it. That in itself blows all the BS promoted by CADA and their friends our of the water. I suggest you download the report from IVOAC and start using it with your local media, your MLA (it was their crown corp which authored the report in question) and your MP (Transport Canada has also been a player in this battle & CADA is going after the feds to change the import laws). Arrange a meeting with media and politicians. Take them for a ride along. Give them copies of the report. Let them know how disgusted you are about CADA trying manipulate public policy for their own benefit. Come on, one really does have to laugh when CADA says they are looking out for safety on the same day when another recall of 38,000 NA market vehicles is announced because of their lousy construction. Tell them you are tired of bailing out the automakers with your tax money. etc, etc, etc.

Besides IVOAC we also have a new legal entity set-up and a very good blog and a number of Facebook pages like this!/group.php?gid=2284996240. All we have to do to win this once and for all is for all of us to do something beyond reading and responding to these posts.

Re: CADA Seeking federal ban on RHD imports in Canada!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:37 pm
by thedjjack
I have sent my second email to CADA...but they do not seem to respond?

Strange with them so concerned about my safety to ignore me?

Re: CADA Seeking federal ban on RHD imports in Canada!

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:29 am
by mararmeisto
Funny how the ICBC man in the Right or Wrong video says that "changing lanes in an intersection" is harder when sitting on the right-side of the vehicle. Not only is it harder, it's unsafe, AND IT'S ILLEGAL (RHD or LHD). More grasping at straws, it seems.

Re: CADA Seeking federal ban on RHD imports in Canada!

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:44 am
by thedjjack
My understanding is BC is one of the few places you can change lanes in an intersection.

That being said it has to be safer changing in one direction in LHD and in the other direction in RHD.