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Re: Northern BC

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:30 pm
by konadog
incidentally, is anyone bringing a musical instrument?
Falco, do you play? I started the guitar 4 or 5 years ago at 40 or 41 y.o. so will never be able to play it at more than a fiddling around level - just don't get the timing / rhythm thing. It's fun trying though, and sure can make a day off lounging on the couch feel "productive..." :?

Re: Northern BC

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:35 pm
by FalcoColumbarius
Smiles... Of course you can pick it up and play all that creative stuff like Jimmy Page, David Gilmore or Steve Howe ~ you are not that old ~ just a matter of whether or not you really want to. You know what I mean? Take that guy that played for a bit with Bill Bruford, I think he picked it up later in life. Passion man. That's all it takes, along with a great deal of practice, of course. I have heard of guys starting out in their sixties and becoming quite proficient. Quite a few guys in the jazz world start later on in life and become very good.
It is like drawing: Everyone can draw, if you can hold a pencil and drag it across a piece of paper you can draw. The trick is learning how to see the subject that you want to draw. In music it is the same. When you learn how to hear something you can emulate it by understanding the geometry of the piece and how your instrument works. Then with a little creative imagination you can put your own mark on it. Next thing you know you are being interviewed on the CBC about your new record, or not.... I would first ask you what do you truly believe... if you buy a lottery ticket you might win, you might lose. If you don't buy that ticket ~ then you know that you will not win.
I would liken it to planting a garden. A patch of this here, a patch of that there, some geraniums in the middle and a flagstone melody wandering all the way through it.... :?

So... are you bringing your guitar with you to Lakelse?


Re: Northern BC

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:20 pm
by konadog
Good points Falco, I do understand the importance of perseverance and am at that guitar everyday - everyday since the day I decided I wanted to learn how to play. I won't ever stop trying (even at my level it's fun (and cool 8-) )), but just don't think I have the ear - After nearly five years it is still a mystery to me how people can listen to a song once or twice then play it :shock: That's where I want to go - sooooo cool!! I like the garden analogy, btw, nacth. I used caves and mtn. bike trails to help me picture the progression of a song (uhh, in my case, just a sequence of cords or notes). Wish I could make the long drive to see that breathtaking country up there again, but alas, we stick pretty close to home these days tending our gardens through the showy season. I'm looking forward to reading about that adventure though, and expect a good showing of photographs - maybe there will even be one of you... And speaking of you being elusive, you never answered my question about your musical skills :?

Re: Northern BC

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:12 am
by Profister
OK gentlemen, I am taking off tomorrow morning, Sunday, June 29th at 8:30 am from Horseshoe Bay to Nanaimo to Ucluelet and then from Port Hardy to Prince Rupert on July 3rd. I will meet you on Lakelse campground on July 4th as planned.
James, I have a special request. Yesterday I went to Rhino Lining in North Van and now I have the same 'sexy' roof as Sean, thanks to the faded paint. When I picked up the van (nobody was there as it was too late) I found that the guys ripped off the the metal trim from the left gutter, actually the left rear piece along with a connector (a coupler?). Today I met the owner and he found it in the garbage bent and damaged wrapped in the paper they used to cover the sides. I wonder if you can supply that piece if you are taking your Deli apart. It is too late for me to get the reply and I am not sure if I will be able to access Internet on my trip but just bring it with you if you can and if you are coming at all.
Thank you in advance. I am looking forward to meet you guys!


Re: Northern BC

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:18 am
by docsavage
I'm going to come on the trip, but I will be in the Citroen, so will avoid any off road adventures. I can ride with someone and record the events if we find somewhere to play. Looking forward to meeting everyone for the first time and again.


Re: Northern BC

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:59 pm
by patty
i was gonna start a new thread but its the exact same topic.


or if any one is just passing through PG and wants to have a couple beers n shoot the shit im down, and i just got my 3 in one gauge and some help installing that would be cool too!

Re: Northern BC

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:03 am
by DoubleMonk
Just too add to this old post, anyone far North like Fort St. John? I saw one Deli out here without plates for weeks though no longer there. I'm game for a far North meet up, anyone?

Re: Northern BC

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:09 am
by docsavage
There a few of us out here in the northwest. There a couple of other L300's here in Prince Rupert, an L400 in Terrace and a couple L300's, an L400 in Hazelton, couple of 300's and 400's in the Bulkley Valley. I have a nice big parking lot here at the Totem Lodge in Prince Rupert if anybody wanted to have a meet here. Any one else from Rupert on here?