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Delica Meet 2007 Details.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 5:59 pm
by Adrock
This is where all solid info will be posted. I will update it with all of the information as it becomes available.

WHAT: Delica Meet 2007

WHERE: Pemberton B.C. and surrounding area

WHEN: Friday March 30th to Sunday April 1st

WHY: Do you really need to know this?

WHO: (People who have confirmed attendance in the other thread or via PM to me)
Adrock +1
Mystery Machine
mitch +1
Fanny Bay Delica +1-2
josh +1
biozach +1-2
username +3 +Dog
ccautos +1
redmond +4
39Ronin +1
Pete and Jackie +2
VIMan (+1)
Delicanuck +1 +Dog

Unless there is a public outcry I am going to start setting the details so that people may plan their weekends. Will people be working on the friday so the convoy should be held until evening? Or will this be an all day thing? I will plan for all day because that is what I would prefer, but I may change it depending on responses.

Trip Itinerary: Tentative

Friday March 30th -
Meet en route, convoy to: Weaver lk, Harrison lk or 20 mile campground to set up camp, drink and talk til the wee hours.

Saturday March 31st -
Stumble out of our vans, Wait for latecomers, drive to Sloquet Hot Springs, play around logging camp, Camp at sloquet.

Sunday April 1st -
Stumble out of vans again, Head to Skookumchuck for lunch and hot springs, fall out of the woods at Duffy Lake Road, grab dinner somewhere on the way home for anyone interested.

Any ideas are welcome as of right now. Including campsites, activities, locations, ANYTHING really.

This will be edited with all up to date information as it becomes certain. Check back regularly.

Again, all suggestions welcome as well as constructive criticism. I'm just flying by the seat of my pants here.

and I swear I am actually good at spelling, my fingers just work faster than my brain.

Thanks for all the enthusiasm everyone.


Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 6:18 pm
by josh
*WEATHER ALERT* with the amount of snow we have had this year... Is it even possible to do the 4x4 from pemberton to harrison?

I know that often it doesn't all melt in the backcountry, and the route might not be passable, many people do not have chains, in fact I assume many of the Vancouverites only have All-Seasons. If we can, just curious on how long the 4x4 trip to harrison would take? Would two days be long enough? or should we meet late thursday eve just so that we could fit it in there.

I would prefer to start in Harrison, seeing as how James and I are convoying from that direction, it might be nice to start from that end after a 1200km drive rather than still needing to drive a few more hours. Which direction is easier? Harrison-Pemberton, or vise versa? Where is everyone coming from in the first place?

Oh, and Adrock, Rose and I will bring our climbing gear as well (although I am just learning now... Rose is good, a bit rusty but good) and we will probably bring our Tele-gear also.


Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 9:36 pm
by Adrock
I have a feeling the harrison thing may not happen. I don't know for sure, but I bet we can find some wicked 4x4 roads to play on around pemberton. I will look into whether the road is passable at all, and if it is what kind of vehicles are able to make it. I would have to agree that for you spending the night in Harrison would be much nicer than adding another 400k or so, I just think the convoy thing might work better up 99 depending on who is coming from where, although, if you are just heading back home after, and we end up in Harriso nthe drive home would be shorter right? Just trying to look on the bright side hehe. I'll see what others say.... others?

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:37 pm
by username
i think taking the road along harrison lake is the most exciting part of the trip. would be a shame to skip that part of it.
how about we wait until mid march or so to look into the weather conditions and such for the road before making a desicion.

i'd also vote for starting off in harrison...


Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:18 am
by Adrock
Your input will be taken into account.


Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:03 am
by josh
I have to spend a night in van before I drive back to Smithers... thats another reason I push for Harrison... But I am game either way. Also if the weather is a no go for the 4x4 journey then I think Pemberton would be there better choice rather then Harrison. Just my 2 cents... I'll leave it up to everyone else now and stop taking over the thread. Thanks for taking it all in stride Adam.


Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:12 am
by Adrock
I just want to make it work great for everyone. Nothing is concrete as of yet. I will definitely keep it in mind though. I am happy you will be there regardless though. This is all rather exciting.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 11:50 am
by mitch
the road from pemby to harrison is good to go.. there will be no snow!!! there is no elevation on that road.. downed trees and washouts are another thing,(ill bring a chainsaw) but it is a well traveled road. as far as 4x4'n in pemby, likley you will run into snow. as far as camping you'll want to make use of the hotsprings on the road to harrison.. (this is also the farthest part of the trip either way you go) my idea was to go south to north as it takes a full day of messing around to get up to pemby from vancouver. I have traveled this area alot and can take you to alot of places.. but its a full round trip.. being able to pack up camp early.. take or time while in the bush but i'll be driving at night sunday to get my girl back to work on monday. its a small window especially trying to keep a group together.


keep the ideas flowin

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 11:56 am
by mitch
the other thing as far as a convoy goes... theres no stoplights, gas stops, bathroom break is the side of the road up from harrison.. no distractions to the group except for sweet scenery, and trying to hold a beer while shifting with my left hand. wont see too many other people in this zone. big campfires, roaring rivers, hanging glaciers, calm lks, and of course 2 different hotsprings with vehical access and camping.


Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:50 pm
by Adrock
Alright mitch, I'm sold. Could you give me a rough outline of what the trip would look like, and we'll see if everyone can make it. I was sort of under the impression that the smithers/williams lk people were closer to pemberton.

Anyone opposed to starting in Harrison then?

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:56 pm
by Mystery Machine
Sounds amazing to me - but then what would I know about the area?? :lol:

"big campfires, roaring rivers, hanging glaciers, calm lks, and of course 2 different hotsprings" - hell, just give me some nice trees and some views and you've got one happy Brit! :D :D Sounds like I'm going to need to bring some extra memory cards for my camera! :lol:

Love the plan so far guys.....keep the info coming.... :twisted:



Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:25 pm
by ccautos
Hey Bruce , the Canadian scenery sure is something , glaciers , mountain , lakes and just wounderfully untouched by humans . It is what bought me from the wonders of Leicester !!!! But and this is a really big BUT , the locals here have no understanding of decent beer or fish and chips , although some beers have started filtering through like Boddingtons and Caffreys . So before coming to this amazing country get your fill of beer and good English cuisine because once here it might be a diet of steak and fizzy lager !!! Vancouver Island has a large population of ex-brits and I am still on the hunt for the ultimate fish and chips , anyone know anywhere good ??

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:25 pm
by Kuan
Have you tried the Rock Cod in Cowichan Bay? Don't know if its any good as I'm vegetarian but it always looks busy...

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:41 pm
by biozach
I would agree with the south to north route between hot springs. It sounds like enough of us will be prepared to tackle lower elevation logging roads. I think we should rally to Harrison on Friday and let people gather there on Fri. night before heading out early Sat morning.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 6:11 pm
by josh
Adam, I am fine with south to north, it sounds like a great trip and I am in.
