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How do I contact Mitsubishi Motors Japan?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:57 pm
by Mr. Flibble
I am trying to obtain a Letter of Compliance from Mitsubishi for my Delica L400 Spacegear. (Those of you who know, I have TN status in the United States, and I am trying to keep my Delica).

I contacted Mitsubishi US, and they told me to contact Mitsubishi Canada - and as I believe we all know Mitsubishi Canada does not like to help with JDM vehicles.

I was able to get the help number for Mitsubishi Japan: 81 36 719 2569

But of course, I don't speak Japanese!

I have been running in circles all over the internet trying to figure out how to contact Mitsubishi Japan, as I believe that they are the only entity that can provide a proper Letter of Compliance for my Delica. I know what is required in the letter, how it has to be provided etc. But it seems completely impossible to locate anyone to actually REQUEST such a letter of compliance from.

This is pretty much my last shot at keeping Starbug. :(

(I think I now know more about importing a JDM to the United States than anyone else on the forum for better or worse!)

Re: How do I contact Mitsubishi Motors Japan?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:59 pm
by Fishtank
At the risk of sounding too simple here, have you tried to "E-mail" Mitsubishi Motors? I heard all the cool kids are doing it these days... :-P

Re: How do I contact Mitsubishi Motors Japan?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:09 pm
by Mr. Flibble
Unfortunately the contact section for Mitsubishi Motors directs you to the "regional" areas, and those don't include Japan! Worse, when I go to the Japanese specific site, it is all in Japanese. (As you would expect actually).

Re: How do I contact Mitsubishi Motors Japan?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:47 pm
by nxski
Do they not have a "translate page" option if you're to use the Japanese google search to look for Japanese motors?

Re: How do I contact Mitsubishi Motors Japan?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:45 pm
by Brave Auto International
Did you import the vehicle yourself (Japan to Canada) or did you buy it already in Canada....?.

If you imported it yourself then I would suggest getting your agent in Japan to help you out.

If you brought it from an importer then I would suggest asking them to ask their agent to help you out.

If you brought it privately in Canada then I guess you could ask one of the exporters or importers to help you out.

However, depending on what you need, Mitsubishi Japan can be (sometimes) helpful with "build dates" if needed but beyond that you might come up against a brick wall. I could be wrong but I have always found them as helpful as a chocolate tea pot when it comes to obtaining information on vehicles of this age.



Re: How do I contact Mitsubishi Motors Japan?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:54 pm
by Fishtank
Brave Auto International wrote:...found them as helpful as a chocolate tea pot when it comes to obtaining information...


Never heard that one before Mark, nice :-D .

If you've dealt with them in the past, could you provide an e-mail address? What department did you deal with? Maybe just PM Mr. Flibble rather than posting it.

Re: How do I contact Mitsubishi Motors Japan?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:26 pm
by Mr. Flibble
Brave Auto International wrote:Did you import the vehicle yourself (Japan to Canada) or did you buy it already in Canada....?.

If you imported it yourself then I would suggest getting your agent in Japan to help you out.

If you brought it from an importer then I would suggest asking them to ask their agent to help you out.

If you brought it privately in Canada then I guess you could ask one of the exporters or importers to help you out.

However, depending on what you need, Mitsubishi Japan can be (sometimes) helpful with "build dates" if needed but beyond that you might come up against a brick wall. I could be wrong but I have always found them as helpful as a chocolate tea pot when it comes to obtaining information on vehicles of this age.


Mardy imported it and I bought it from him.

However, I need a letter DIRECTLY from Mitsubishi Japan, and it must be on Mitsubishi Letterhead. Meaning, it cannot be an email. This is according to the NHTSA and Import rules for vehicles into the United States:
The importer obtains a letter from the vehicle’s original manufacturer, on the
manufacturer’s letterhead (and not that of a franchised dealer), identifying the vehicle by
vehicle identification number (VIN) and stating that the vehicle conforms to all
applicable FMVSS except for the labeling requirements of Standards Nos. 101 Controls
and Displays and 110 Tire Selection and Rims or 120 Tire Selection and Rims for Motor
Vehicles other than Passenger Cars, and/or the specifications of Standard No. 108
Lamps, Reflective Devices, and Associated Equipment, relating to daytime running
(Note, this is the reason that it is nearly impossible to import a L300, it would likely never be certified for the NHTSA tests. I believe that the L400 would pass them.)

Thus, I must have a letter from Mitsu Japan stating my VIN, and that my particular vehicle as listed by my VIN is compliant to the FMVSS standards with the exception of the tires, reflectors and headlights - basically the same modifications we require in Canada. (Although, I would need a sticker for my speedo to have it changed to MPH).

Re: How do I contact Mitsubishi Motors Japan?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:23 am
by jessef
I would take Mark's advice and locate an export agent in Japan that may assist you.

You can get a letter direct from Mitsubishi (I had to get a letter signed on Mitsu letterhead Japan for production date) but to have them officially sign a document that has 'meets FMVSS standards' is unlikely.

I would still try all avenues in Japan.

Start with Mardy, Mark and any others you can think of.

Re: How do I contact Mitsubishi Motors Japan?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:19 am
by Mr. Flibble
jfarsang wrote:I would take Mark's advice and locate an export agent in Japan that may assist you.

You can get a letter direct from Mitsubishi (I had to get a letter signed on Mitsu letterhead Japan for production date) but to have them officially sign a document that has 'meets FMVSS standards' is unlikely.

I would still try all avenues in Japan.

Start with Mardy, Mark and any others you can think of.
Thanks. I will touch base.

I know the letter must come directly from Mitsubishi, no other letter is acceptable at all, in any way shape or form.

Re: How do I contact Mitsubishi Motors Japan?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:30 am
by fmande
pm sent

Re: How do I contact Mitsubishi Motors Japan?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:37 pm
by Mr. Flibble

After much searching, I have been put in contact with an individual in Japan who is willing to help. No, I am *NOT* putting this individual's details on the forum, nor am I explaining exactly how I located him. (I did get some private messages and I did a HUGE amount of searching on my own).

I am not saying this to be smarmy, but rather because finding someone like this was a huge amount of trouble, and I know that were I to publish details this person would be hit with requests all over hells half acre from people who did not seriously desire to own - or as in my case - KEEP their Delica. (If you really read through this forum, read all the associated paperwork, and understand what you are doing in regards to the law and what is required to import a Delica, you will be able to figure this out. You will also be told by some importers that it is impossible.)

My odds of getting the letter are not 100%. I would say that they are good, not great.

It seems that Mitsubishi WILL issue these letters, but ONLY ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS.

Let me repeat that. ONLY ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS

My odds of getting the letter hinge on the fact that:

1) I am a Canadian who already has a legally registered Canadian Delica L400

2) I have TN Status.
See here:

3) I am moving to the US with my vehicle that I already own for a good job (and yeah, a girl).

Based on these criteria, Mitsubishi will evaluate my situation (I must provide proof of all of this to Mitsubishi). Should they feel that in my personal situation I should be allowed to keep the Delica, then they will issue me a letter of compliance.

Be aware however, if you are someone looking to buy a Delica for use in the US, that you must *FIRST* purchase the Delica in Canada, provide ownership proof, and THEN you may be allowed the letter of compliance. YOU WILL PROBABLY NOT BE ISSUED A LETTER OF COMPLIANCE IF YOU DON'T ALREADY OWN THE VEHICLE!

So, if you buy a Delica in hopes of getting a letter, be aware that you might NOT get the letter, and end up with a Delica you cannot legally import to the US.

Re: How do I contact Mitsubishi Motors Japan?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:32 am
by FalcoColumbarius
This thread has been removed from General Discussion to RHD Political and Legal Matters.
