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Re: Manitoba - Letter writing Campaign!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:58 pm
by thedjjack
nxski wrote:
robbieg wrote:
You know... is the place that people banded together to help change BC law a few years back, and I was hoping for more of a 'well done, we're behind you all the way' than this razz. Honestly, I'm wholly disappointed in the lack of backers that have Delis.
I'll give you a thumbs up for fighting for a good cause! I live in BC where this is not an issue (Unfortunately I believe that Jesse is right about the fact that most people with Delica's live on the west coast and don't have the same problems as you and therefor do not care). In my case, as much as I'd like to back you I don't want to bring attention to my many potentially illegal mods :?
NSKI send a letter I am pretty sure the Manitoba Vehicle Inspectors will not get you.....and put some legal (this word gas been removed so as to not be used as evidence) on that thing already...

Edit: Also painting your rims to look like Batmans wheels is probably not Illegal just foolish :)

Re: Manitoba - Letter writing Campaign!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:04 pm
by nxski
I removed the one incriminating word in your post... 8-) as I mentioned in Jesse's post I don't mind stating that I've done something illegal as long as it can't be proven...

I've written to ICBC regarding their rhd study and will probably eventually do more for the cause but not quite yet :-D Luckily anything that MAY be illegal on my vehicle is easily removable / replaceable 8-)

Back to the original topic!?

Re: Manitoba - Letter writing Campaign!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:12 pm
by thedjjack
Back to the original topic in a minute....

The reason those "things" are illegal is not for safety but because they look so BAD :-D

but for me it is all function....My skid plate would be made out of thick steel I hammered in the back yard and cut holes with the grinder 1/2 hour and bullet proof....

Back to TOPIC:

Please send some letters people....We are right or at least drive from that side :-D

Re: Manitoba - Letter writing Campaign!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:19 pm
by nxski
Haha, fair enough. An architectural technician and a backyard mechanic / form over function type of guy are never going to agree on styling :-D

Agreed, let's all send some carefully worded letters to people who can make a difference!

Re: Manitoba - Letter writing Campaign!

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:47 am
by jessef