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Delica Trader listings don't expire

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:30 pm
by glenn
They should expire after 3 mos unless they are renewed. Once a van sells, it seems the ads just live on for ever and ever. There are ads dating all the way back to May 2011. What is the reasoning behind leaving them there forever? Is it just neglect? It makes the delica trader feel abandoned by the admins.

Re: Delica Trader listings don't expire

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:37 am
by Pajero
I agree with that as its hard to know what is truly for sale. I signed up with a hotmail acct, forgot my password and it wont send me a new one so I cant delete the ad I posted in there either......


Re: Delica Trader listings don't expire

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:21 pm
by mark
Expiring ads is a good suggestion. This wasn't a priority when Delica Trader first came into being, but as time progresses I see now that many of the listings beyond "Page 1" have become well out-of-date...

If we do move in that direction, it should probably be a fairly lengthy expiry period (say 4 months), but I would appreaciate any thoughts from users...

Joe - Please note that there is still an unresolved e-mail delivery issue affecting Hotmail users
(see announcement at ... 14025.html). I suspect that this is why you have not been receiving passwords from DT.


Re: Delica Trader listings don't expire

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:07 am
by glenn
So, any movement on this issue, it's been almost 4 months? I see that Silk road has the decency to add "sold" to the title of his listings that are sold. But we still have listings going back to 2011. I keep hearing that it will be brought up at the next meeting - but then nothing is done. The lack of interest in the Delica Trader from admin and from the delica community is a lost opportunity for members. Our only real venue for sales is craigslist, etc. rather than here.

Bring back a for sale section for private members within the forum. It worked nicely before, it gave us a chance to describe our vans, comment on vans for sale, ask questions rather than having them languish in an abandoned and forgotten corner of the internet. The lack of action on this issue is highly suspicious. What gives? It sucks that a privately controlled forum is all we have to represent the delica community.

Re: Delica Trader listings don't expire

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 8:42 am
by konadog
^what Glenn said^

Re: Delica Trader listings don't expire

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 3:36 pm
by Rattlenbang
I would also like to add that there seems a problem with post regarding people selling parts privately, especially those wrecking a van or posting generic ads for general undefined parts; I have responded to a number of posts looking for a few parts, and none have gotten back to me, and I notice that they often don't respond to others as well. Its frustrating when people list things you need but then vanish. There are a lot of parts threads like that. I'm not sure what the solution is other than tighten up the requirements for people posting. No drive-by posts?

Re: Delica Trader listings don't expire

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 3:41 pm
by nxski
Rattlenbang wrote:I would also like to add that there seems a problem with post regarding people selling parts privately, especially those wrecking a van or posting generic ads for general undefined parts; I have responded to a number of posts looking for a few parts, and none have gotten back to me, and I notice that they often don't respond to others as well. Its frustrating when people list things you need but then vanish. There are a lot of parts threads like that. I'm not sure what the solution is other than tighten up the requirements for people posting. No drive-by posts?
That definitely is a problem. We would love to hear a solution on how to moderate this. Without calling all of them ourselves, I'm not sure how this would be done. Maybe a "report" button would help others to notify us of posts that are inactive or spam, etc!?

Re: Delica Trader listings don't expire

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 7:00 pm
by FalcoColumbarius
I've mentioned this to Mark just the other day. We have to organise a day when we can get together to remedy the situation, along with a couple of DC issues, like the photo gallery. Squeaky wheel gets the grease... smiles.


Re: Delica Trader listings don't expire

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 5:45 pm
by thelazygreenfox
Okay here's a novel idea... Please delete your TP adds when you sell your delica. Oh, maybe that's too much to expect. Well I tried....

As a good example I'm going to delete my ad when I sell the lazygreenfox, yup that's a plug. Was that sleezy or what???? Oh, I'm bad... :o

Okay, then have a look at Craigslist and DT and I won't have to bother you again. :-D :-D
