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New from Gatineau, Québec!

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 5:16 pm
by flansberrium
Hello everyone!

I've been drooling on Delicas since the first day I saw one on a trip in BC. I saw a bunch when I traveled in Australia and quite sad I didn't buy one then. I'm currently shopping for a new car since my current car is on it's last KMs and hope to get on a Delica! If anyone is from the area, I'd be super happy to chat and see your van in person!

I'm a welder and bicycle mecanic. I'm really mecanicaly inclined and I think a Delica would be tons of fun for me for that reason :)

Check my Facebook/Instagram page if you like welding/machining/fabrication in general, if I get a Delica it'll certainly get on there too!

Jakob AKA Flansberrium

New from Gatineau, Québec!

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:05 pm
by deskinthewoods
Hey Jacob,
I'm picked up "Wilson" in early May this year and I have to say that every day is like a parade, people smile and wave, thumbs up, "WTF is that?!!" looks.
I'm up in Wakefield but drive to Ottawa every day. Perhaps we could meet up after work or on a weekend and you can have a look-see...

Some photos here: and I've posted a few on the forum as well.

Cheers, Alex

New from Gatineau, Québec!

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:17 pm
by flansberrium
I just sent you a private message asking if we could meet without seeing this post hahaha!

I would looooove to have a look, I also have a few questions for you as I am currently shopping for one :-D